Friday, October 28, 2011

Concert Nail Art

It was the first week of August 2011 when I passed the audition for a concert that was held in our university. I was assigned to sing price tag which was also my audition piece. Because of the fashion statement of Jessie J, I came up to this nail art which I wore on the concert.

(Sorry for the low quality image, I didn't have a DSLR camera)

I would like to share how I made my original nail art. Here are the materials:
-colorless nail polish
-black nail polish
-fake different-sized crystals (the crystal stickers for cellphone design)

First, put a colorless nail polish on your nails to make the base to preserve the nail color.
Second, put the black nail polish and make a second coating.
Third, put the fake crystals. Note, put the fake crystals while the polish is wet to help the crystals stick on your nails.
Fourth, put again the colorless polish for the finishing.

It actually didn't necessary to have a pattern in putting the crystals. You can experiment on your own. On what do you think looks beautiful.

I made this all by myself. I'm doing most of my things all by myself and I love it!


Saturday, October 1, 2011

First Photoshoot

I am an aspiring photographer and I decided to join Sony Philippines' Photography Contest despite of my lacking to gadgets like DSLR camera and studio lights. The theme of the contest is "Fashion" and the only restriction is that your photo must include clothing. It was very vague and I don't have my professional resources for photography so I decided on these things:

First is that I do not have a DSLR Cam so I need to use my friend's Digital Camera whether I like it or not. Second is that it is good to shoot outdoors because I do not have professional lights and it is good if I shoot on an area that doesn't receive an extreme light from the sun so that the camera lens will not be bombarded and the lights will pass through the subject smoothly.
Third is that I will be the one to model for the shoot because I cannot finance a model.
Fourth is that I do not have a make-up artist so I know that I will be the one to make-up for myself (but I like putting make-up on myself anyway :) ).

I, with my boyfriend, shoot in the Wawa Dam in Rodriguez, Rizal, just a ride away from our house. He became my assistant and my photographer. I directed him because he is not used to photography and actually he doesn't like it.

We're getting ready for the photo shoot.
Checking my make up especially the nose line. 
It must look natural on the camera.

I changed my lipstick. Now, it looks better.

This was our first shot. It's bad :(  

I made my pose more dynamic. But yikes! It's bad again. Nice try.

It's a good shot and a good pose except to my feet, it looks awkward.

Another try...

I try to sit on the rocks. It's not a good pose :D 
Waaaah! I felt that this is harder than it seems.
I cannot see my appearance on cam that's why I can't look for adjustments.

This photo looks better than the early ones.

It's hard to teach to my photographer the rule of thirds. But it's okey, we have tons of  tries.

Try and try and try!

We changed locations. I think it's better.

This was a good shot and my chosen shot.

And this was the final photo. I passed it to Sony but the winners are not finally chosen. I hope I win.

Winning in that competition is a great start but what matters most is that the practice and experience that I gained in my first photo shoot. I wanted to be a great fashion photographer someday. After I graduated on my course, this is the first thing I will pursue after I get a job.

I am very sorry about the flaws of my photos. It was first time and I wanted to learn more about photography. I'm open for those critics and new learning! 

Anyway, I have my second hand clothes from ukay ukay and it was amazingly cheap and fashionable! I will post a review about it next time :)

Thank you for reading and God Bless :)